A Legacy of Tranquility

                                                                                                                                               Legacy Series

Peace Promoters

“the healing that almost didn’t happen”

2 Kings 5:1-16

Read the passage. Any first impressions?

Peace Promoters are those who use gentleness and kindness to bring others close to the God they love. In this story there are three instances of “peace promotion”.

  1. The servant girl who suggested that her master could be healed. Review verse 2 to discover why it was unusual for this girl to be so kind.
  2. The prophet Elisha. At that time there was very little faith in Israel. The Jewish people had abandoned God. This “unreasonable request” by Naaman, a foreigner, was an opportunity for God to get glory. Did it work? See verse 15.
  3. The unnamed servants of Naaman, verse 13, who noticed his anger and chose to confront him. (As a sidenote: unmet expectations/disappointments can rob us of the blessings God has in store. Naaman had God in a box and almost missed out.) Discuss the servant’s appeal to Naaman.
    1. Was there a risk in confronting Naaman?
    2. Did the servants do it in kindness?
    3. Did Naaman respond well?

The end result of this story is a healing testimony and a saved soul. Naaman needed a healing to come into a relationship with God and the Lord gave him one. But none of it would have happened without the peace promoters in his life.

How can we be peace promoters?

  1. Prayerfully look for situations where God could get glory. As a group list some potential situations where you could be a peace promoter.
  2. Take the risk. Make the pitch. Peace with God can and will help them. They only need to turn it over to the One who loves them. Kingdom advancement happens when we are bold! See Proverbs 28:1
  3. Watch God work and continually give thanks.

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